Beyond Resolutions: Weaving Wellness Intentions for a Radiant New Year

happy new year wellness intentions

Feel that chilly Dubai breeze on your face? The holidays are lighting up the evenings, and you know what that means—the new year is right around the corner. Forget about those strict resolutions and big goals this time. Let’s keep it simple. Instead of stressing over rules, let’s focus on what matters. Set some intentions […]

Your Path to Success: Practical Tips for Freelance Practitioners in the New Year

As the calendar flips to a fresh year, so too do our hopes for growth and renewal. For freelance therapists and practitioners, this “new leaf” feeling presents an exciting opportunity to cultivate a flourishing practice. But where to start? 1. Find Your Support System: Don’t go solo on your freelance journey—join the Prana House community! […]

Chakras: Beyond Physical Fitness – Balance Your Energy for Health and Wellbeing

chakra healing freedom balance

Imagine seven invisible wheels spinning within your body, each pulsating with vibrant energy and governing different aspects of your well-being. These are your chakras, ancient energy centers believed to influence everything from physical health to emotional balance and spiritual connection. When these energy wheels are in harmony, we thrive. But when they’re blocked or imbalanced, […]

Yoga’s Natural Remedy for an Anxious Mind

Meditation cushion, journal and blanket

In our fast-paced world, stress is like an unwelcome guest, constantly overstaying its welcome. It clouds our minds, tightens our muscles, and leaves us feeling drained and overwhelmed. But what if there was a natural way to evict this unwelcome visitor and reclaim inner peace? Enter yoga, an ancient practice that’s not just about pretzel-like […]

Finding Your Soul’s Calling: From Side Hustle to Profitable Purpose

As a freelance wellness practitioner, you wear many hats. You’re the therapist, the coach, the marketer, and the cheerleader, all rolled into one. It can be tough to juggle it all, especially when it comes to finding the right space to work from. Coffee shops can be noisy, home offices can be distracting, and traditional […]

Your Money Mindset – Friend of Foe?

money mindset freedom financial happy growth

It’s not just about the numbers in your bank account. It’s the whispers in your head when you eye that new gadget, the pit in your stomach when you see a bill, the sigh of relief when your paycheck hits. It’s your money mindset, and it’s shaping your financial reality more than you think. But […]

Putting Yourself First Isn’t Selfish: Here’s Why!

In our busy lives, we often hear that putting ourselves first is selfish. But is it really? Let’s explore three compelling reasons why taking care of yourself isn’t selfish at all. 1. You Can’t Pour From an Empty Cup: Imagine you’re a coffee pot. You can only fill others’ cups if you’re filled first. Taking […]

The Benefits of Yoga for Different Health Conditions

Yoga is a mind-body practice that combines physical postures, breathing exercises, and meditation. It has been shown to be effective in improving a variety of health conditions, including: If you are pregnant or have any other health conditions, it is important to talk to your doctor before starting yoga. Yoga is a great way to […]

Yoga for Mental Health: A Natural Way to Freedom

Yoga is a mind-body practice that combines physical postures, breathing exercises, and meditation. It has been shown to be effective in reducing stress, anxiety, and depression. Tips and Tricks for Beginners If you are new to yoga, here are a few tips and tricks to help you get started: Why Yoga Classes Are Good Yoga […]

Yoga for Stress Relief: A Natural Way to Beat Stress

peace nature stress relief

Yoga for Stress Relief Yoga is a mind-body practice that combines physical postures, breathing exercises, and meditation. It has been shown to be effective in reducing stress, anxiety, and depression. How to Get Started If you are new to yoga, it is a good idea to start with a beginner’s class. There are many yoga […]